Monday, April 14, 2014

Heart Bleed bug test

The  Heart Bleed bug has been causing serious security issues across the globe over the past week, potentially affecting sites that million of internet users log into every single day.

However, now there is a virus test that can help users detect whether a specific website has updated itself to eliminate the bug, and if so users would have the green light to change their passwords and update their security measures to protect themselves.

photo of a computer screen with http protocol and www domain, url, website address

The Heart Bleed virus test can be found on by clicking here.

This is important because even though users have been advised to change their passwords across sites they use, this measure would be completely useless, and could even detrimental to users, if they did so before the website in question eliminated the security threat.
So users should visit the filippo website and check any website they are looking to change their password on.
A list of affected websites can also be found on by clicking here.
The Heart Bleed bug has reportedly put millions of passwords, credit card numbers and other private data online at risk.
The virus affects a widely used encryption technology that was supposed to protect online accounts. However, a flaw was recently found – one that could be exploited maliciously by those wanting to steal data, and potentially financial information from millions of users.
Some experts believe the threat could have gone undetected for more than two years, and many are concerned that hackers could have been secretly exploiting the flaw for a long time even before the problem was discovered.